Special Occasion Foods

For parties, we try to find imaginative ways to make nutritious foods fun and appetizing. We cut slices of bread into seasonal shapes with cookie cutters, and top them with peanut butter or flavored cream cheese, and then garnish them with fruit. Everyone loves fresh vegetables dipped in warmed peanut butter or yogurt dip.

Parents may wish to provide special birthday treats. In keeping with our nutritional policy, cake, cupcakes, cookies, candy, and other sugary sweets are not allowed. If you bring in these types of foods, they will be returned. There are parents who don't want their children to eat sweets, and some children have food allergies, so please check with us about what to bring. Any snack brought by parents must be store bought - nothing prepared at home is allowed by the Washington State Health Department. Also, we have lots of great ideas if you need suggestions.

Last updated: October 24, 2017