Coming and Going

One of the most difficult tasks for parents, children and providers is the separation time. Some children adjust easily to new surroundings and situations, however some do not. It may even change from day to day. Children take their cues from the adults around them. How parents and teachers respond to separation often will dictate how easily your child adjusts. This process should be as smooth and fast as possible. Long, drawn out goodbyes only make separation more difficult for all concerned. The following guidelines help ease the conflict of separation.

Our dining room is the cut off point for good-byes. Accompanying your child into the dayschool creates a problem for you, your child and any other children that are missing their parents too. We simply can not take the time away from the other children to deal with long separations every morning. We know parents feel guilty about leaving their children and your children know it too. We are old hands at distracting and redirecting upset children. You might be surprised that they often have settled down before you drive away. It may make you feel better, as a parent, to know that your child doesn't want you to leave them, however this makes it very difficult for your child to adjust successfully. If your child has frequent separation anxiety, what is most important is a consistent, reassuring response. Most children do eventually feel comfortable and then separation is no longer an issue. If you consider it part of your normal daily routine, so will they. We do not want to start anyone's day with a traumatic scene. If one does develop, it's typically brief and your child goes on to having a really fun day! As always please feel free to ask questions or discuss our procedure with us anytime.

Last updated: October 24, 2017